Bible Text: John 15 | Preacher: Pastor Fred Milacci | Series: Misc Part 1: Gardens, The Lords Supper
Bible Text: Mathew 14:22 | Preacher: Pastor Fred Milacci | Series: Misc Reality vs Expectations
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 8 | Preacher: Pastor Fred Milacci | Series: Misc Forgetting God
Bible Text: Ruth | Preacher: Pastor Fred Milacci | Series: Misc Are you... Bitter, a Quitter or a Committer?
Bible Text: Hebrews 12 | Preacher: Pastor Fred Milacci | Series: Misc Looking Back to Celebrate Reflection, Action and Direction
Bible Text: Luke 15 | Preacher: Pastor Fred Milacci | Series: Misc The Church, a place to call home
Bible Text: Mathew 6 | Preacher: Pastor Fred Milacci | Series: Misc Three areas where we need God
Bible Text: John 20 | Preacher: Pastor Fred Milacci | Series: Misc After the reserection Jesus appears to three different types of people....which type are you?
Bible Text: Luke 19:1 | Preacher: Pastor Fred Milacci | Series: Misc It's my party and I'll weep if I want to. - Jesus