7044 US HWY 340 N Rileyville, VA


We need your help

RBC, we need your help! Our church is working with Page County Economic Development to provide food for the 300+ Hospitality workers who lost their jobs this past week.

We need your help to gather non-perishable, high shelf-life items like:
Canned Meat/Fish, Canned Vegetables and Fruit, Peanut Butter, Pasta, Grain Products, Cereal, Oatmeal, etc.

We are gathering these items OUTSIDE the North Entrance of the RBC Building at the following times:

Saturday: 2-4pm
Sunday: 2-4pm
Tuesday: 2-4pm

How to be Involved

We ask that you simply drive up to the north entrance and unload your items under the covered area. If others are dropping off, please wait for them to go back to their cars before you get out to unload. We want to keep social distancing measures in place.

If you desire to help to sanitize and bagging these items, we will be working in shifts. Please contact Paul and Wendy Johnson at pjohn1967@gmail.com. Please pray over this!

Page One is excited to have some relief at this time. We are excited to be able to continue to help people in the valley say "Yes" to Jesus. Love you Church! Thanks for your help!