Join us on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.
We have programs for students, kids, and nursery! There is something for everyone on Wednesdays. RBC offers Wednesday night dinners starting September 11th, 2024. Suggested donation is $5 for adults, $2 for 12 and under, and $20 for a family of 4 or more. An adult must accompany children.

A study in the Book of Acts
A 8-week study surveying key passages in Acts that focuses on the Great Commission for every believer (individually and as the church body), starting with your neighbor and then going to the nations.

Our Young Adult Ministry is a community of Christians figuring out life and faith together. Because, as a young adult, there is a lot to figure out. College, Career, Relationships, Faith, Money Management, & more.

By Faith - Hebrews 11 Study
Faith isn’t the absence of doubt. It doesn’t mean having all the answers. It means, like Abraham, hearing God’s call and going. Like Sarah, hearing God's promise, and against all odds, believing. Like Moses, enduring hardship for the sake of something—and someone—greater. Hebrews 11 isn’t a “Who’s Who” of perfect people. It’s a record of Old Testament men and women who saw God as more valuable than their own lives. They believed, even in the face of roaring lions. They trusted, long before the walls fell down. What inspired them to go, to wait, to sacrifice, to risk it all, is the same thing we seek to walk in today—daring faith in a perfect God.